Sustainable Life School
This Rocket Mass Heater with cob bench was built in partnership with the Sustainable Life School in August 2019. Check out this video playlist from the workshop:
This Rocket Mass Heater with cob bench was built in partnership with the Sustainable Life School in August 2019. Check out this video playlist from the workshop:
Here are some photos from the process of building the core of one of the Rocket Mass Heaters.
We built this Rocket Mass Heater with cob bench for Gracie's clinic. It was the first code-approved RMH in Trumbull County, OH. It has a terracotta bell with cast iron clean outs and a double barrel design for the rocket.
This is a RMH Uncle Mud designed and built in Gettysburg, PA.
This CottageRocket was built by Ted Brineger of Foxhole Homes using Uncle Mud's Design.
The CottageRocket is a rocket heater design by Uncle Mud that fits inside of a barrel.
This Rocket Mass Heater was built as part of a workshop at the Cob Hill Natural Building School.
Here is a Rocket Heater built for a tiny home inside of a bus.
This rocket mass heater was built for a barn apartment. You can watch a video of the heater being taken apart for inspection here: